Table of Contents
Revision: July 20, 2024
I. Mission
- The Mission of this lodge is to fulfill the purpose of the Order of the Arrow as an integral part of the Boy Scouts of America through positive youth leadership under the guidance of selected capable adults.
II. Name and Affiliation of the Lodge
- The lodge will be known as Muscogee Lodge, No. 116, Indian Waters Council, No. 553, Boy Scouts of America.
- The lodge will be under the supervision of the Council Camping or Program Committee and the administrative authority of the Scout Executive.
- The totem of the lodge will be the Red Fox & Carolina Parakeet.
III. Membership
- The requirements for membership in this lodge are as stated in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers.
- An active member of the lodge is one who is both currently registered with the Indian Waters Council, BSA and has paid their lodge dues for the current year.
- An inactive member may pay their dues at any time to be reinstated as an active member of the lodge, provided they are currently registered with the Indian Waters Council, BSA.
- The procedure for the Ordeal will be stated in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Guide to Inductions.
- Completion of Brotherhood membership will be in accordance with the requirements in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers.
- The Lodge Vice Chief of Administration will accept transfers with the approval of the Lodge Chief and Lodge Adviser.
- Affiliate members will be defined and accepted through a process prescribed by the Lodge Executive Committee in the Lodge Handbook.
- All policies of the Boy Scouts of America, the National Order of the Arrow Committee, and the Indian Waters Council will be adhered to at all times.
IV. Officers
- Lodge officers will be the Lodge Chief, Lodge Vice Chief, Vice Chief of Administration, Vice Chief of Program, Vice Chief of Inductions, Vice Chief of Finance, Vice Chief of Indian Affairs, and the Chapter Chiefs. The Lodge Chief and Lodge Executive Committee will determine each officer’s duties and responsibilities in the Lodge Handbook.
- The Lodge Executive Committee will be composed of the following: all elected lodge officers and their advisers, the Lodge Staff Adviser, the Lodge Adviser, and an Associate Lodge Adviser, if appointed by the Lodge Adviser. The voting membership of the Lodge Executive Committee will be subject to Subsection VII-A of these Rules.
- The Lodge Executive Board will be composed of the following: all elected lodge officers and their advisers, the Immediate Past Lodge Chief, the chairs of each of the lodge standing and special committees and their advisers, the Scout Executive, the Lodge Staff Adviser, the Lodge Adviser, an Associate Lodge Adviser, if appointed by the Lodge Adviser, and an additional member of the Council Camping or Program Committees, if appointed by the Scout Executive. The voting membership of the Lodge Executive Board will be subject to Subsection VII-A of these rules.
- The Lodge Chief will serve as chair of the Lodge Executive Board and Lodge Executive Committee and preside over all lodge business meetings.
- All lodge and chapter officers will be elected at the Fall Fellowship and installed at the Chief’s Retreat. Their term of office will begin during the Chief’s Retreat at a time determined by the Lodge Key-3, providing sufficient time for planning the Winter Banquet. No member may serve in more than one elected lodge office at the same time.
- Eligibility of candidates for lodge or chapter office will be as follows:
- Be under 21 years of age for the entire term of office.
- Be an active member of the lodge.
- Have attended at least two lodge events during the preceding twelve months. Candidates for Chapter Vice Chief and Chapter Secretary are exempt from this requirement.
- Be present at the Fall Fellowship Business Meeting or Fall Fellowship Chapter Meeting for chapter officers when the election is held, unless pre-approved by the current Lodge Key-3.
- Attend the Officer Candidate Interest Meeting at the Fall Fellowship, where all prospective candidates will learn about the duties, responsibilities, and expectations of the various offices that they may seek, unless pre-approved by the current Lodge Key-3.
- Be nominated by a youth member of the lodge in good standing.
- The Lodge Key-3 will determine whether a candidate is qualified for office. A candidate may only be found not to be qualified by a unanimous decision of the Lodge Key-3 and after it determines that the individual would be unable to fulfill the duties of the office they are seeking. Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection IV-F of these rules, candidates are not required to be found qualified, however the presiding officer at the lodge election will note which candidates are found to be qualified, and which are not.
- Chapter officers will be the Chapter Chief, the Chapter Vice Chief(s), and the Chapter Secretary, and will have their duties and responsibilities prescribed by the Lodge Chief and Lodge Executive Committee in the Lodge Handbook.
- The election of a lodge or chapter officer will be voided if that officer does not attend the Lodge Leadership Development Conference (LLDC) or its program successor. They may be excused only by the Lodge Chief in consultation with the Lodge Adviser and Staff Adviser.
- The Lodge Executive Board may remove any lodge or chapter officer from their position who, in their eyes, has not performed their duties or responsibilities as prescribed in the Lodge Handbook. This vote will be by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those present and voting, inclusive of proxies. Upon removal and if requested, the officer in question will be provided with the reason(s) for their dismissal by the Lodge Executive Board.
- Should an officer be removed from their position, or submit to the Key-3 that they are unable to complete their term, a successor will be appointed by the Lodge Chief with the approval of a majority of the Lodge Executive Board and will serve until the next lodge business meeting, or chapter meeting in the case of chapter officers, at which point an election will be held. If a Lodge Chief is unable to fulfill the duties and obligations of their office, the Lodge Vice Chief will succeed them as Lodge Chief.
- As the lodge prepares to act in the capacity of Section Conclave Service Lodge, a Vice Chief of Conclave may be elected at any lodge business meeting prior to the Section Conclave. The term will extend from the time they are elected until the Lodge Executive Committee deems that all business regarding the Section Conclave has been completed, but not to exceed the next annual lodge officer elections following the Section Conclave. The Lodge Executive Committee will choose the date of the election. While in office, the Lodge Vice Chief of Conclave will be a member of the Lodge Executive Committee.
- The Lodge Adviser, working closely with the Lodge Chief and lodge officers, will appoint adult advisers from amongst those adult lodge members in good standing for all lodge officers.
V. Chapters
- The lodge will be divided into chapters corresponding to the districts of the council in the following manner:
- Maskek Woakus Chapter corresponding with the Capital Rivers and Wateree Districts.
- Santee Chapter corresponding with the Atakwa District.
- Tschitanek Woakus Chapter corresponding with the Chinquapin District.
- Sukeu Sipo Chapter corresponding with the Edisto District.
- Tschitaneu Aptonagan Chapter corresponding with the Etowah Creek District.
- Chicora Chapter corresponding with the Chicora District.
- Iswa Chapter corresponding with the Henry Shelor District.
- If a chapter consisting of two (2) or more districts of the council wishes to divide into separate chapters, the chapter may petition the lodge for realignment. The realignment will be granted only after each of the following requirements are met:
- Submission to the Lodge Chief of a written letter of intent, including the chapter’s rationale, the benefit to the lodge if accepted, the proposed service area of each new chapter, the names of the new chapters, and their respective intended meanings, signed by the Chapter Chief and co-signed by at least ten (10) youth members for each proposed chapter;
- A two-thirds (2/3) majority of the youth members present and voting of each proposed chapter must vote in the affirmative at a special chapter meeting held at the first lodge fellowship subsequent to the letter of intent;
- Key-3 approval, which must be obtained prior to putting forth the matter for consideration or action at a lodge business meeting;
- Final approval must be obtained by a majority vote at a lodge business meeting of all lodge youth members present and voting. Any new chapter granted by such action will commence organization at the next Fall Fellowship. If this action is taken at the Fall Fellowship, organization will commence immediately following the conclusion of the lodge business meeting. At this time, each new chapter will elect its officers in accordance with Subsection IV-F of these rules.
- A member’s chapter affiliation will be determined by their primary BSA registration.
VI. Committees
- The Lodge Chief, in consultation with the Lodge Adviser and Staff Adviser, will appoint members of the lodge as committee chairs of standing committees deemed necessary and proper to the operation of the lodge, enumerated in Subsection VI-B of these rules. Lodge standing committee chairs will serve at the pleasure of the Lodge Chief.
- The following committees will be considered standing committees of the lodge and will have duties as assigned by the Lodge Chief and Lodge Executive Committee in the Lodge Handbook: Brotherhood; Ceremonies; Conclave; Dance; Drum/Sing; History; Lodge Newsletter; Lodge Store; NOAC; Ordeal; Patches, Insignia & Memorabilia; Religious Services; Service; Shows; Social Media; Training; and Website.
- The Lodge Chief, in consultation with the Lodge Adviser and Staff Adviser, will appoint members of the lodge as committee chairs of special committees deemed necessary and proper to the operation of the lodge, as enumerated in Subsection VI-D of these rules. Lodge special committee chairs will serve at the pleasure of the Lodge Chief.
- The following committees will be considered special committees of the lodge and will have duties as assigned by the Lodge Chief and Lodge Executive Committee in the Lodge Handbook: Vigil Honor and Special Awards.
- The Lodge Chief, in consultation with the Lodge Adviser and Staff Adviser, may appoint members of the lodge as committee chairs of any additional committees deemed necessary and proper to the operation of the lodge. These committees will be considered ad hoc committees of the lodge for the following year. The Lodge Chief will assign duties as necessary in consultation with the Lodge Adviser and Staff Adviser. These ad hoc committees and their chairs will serve at the pleasure of the Lodge Chief.
- All committee chairs will be under 21 years of age and in good standing with the lodge for the duration of their service and until their responsibilities are complete.
- Lodge committee chairs will appoint committee members necessary in carrying out the duties and functions of their respective committees with the approval of the Lodge Chief.
- The Lodge Chief will serve as an ex-officio member of all lodge committees.
- The Lodge Executive Committee may prescribe the size and composition of the various committees as necessary in the Lodge Handbook.
- Notwithstanding VI-A of these rules, the various lodge committees will be under the jurisdiction and direction of a lodge officer as prescribed by the Lodge Executive Committee in the Lodge Handbook.
- The Lodge Executive Board and Lodge Executive Committee will conduct such business as is necessary between lodge business meetings.
- The members of the Lodge Executive Board will be made known to all active members so that recommendations may be made for their consideration.
- The Lodge Adviser, working closely with the Lodge Chief and committee chairs, will appoint from amongst those adult lodge members in good standing adult advisers for all lodge committees.
VII. Voting
- Lodge members under the age of 21 who are primarily registered with a unit in this council and whose dues are currently paid in this lodge may vote in matters of lodge business.
VIII. Meetings & Events
- The Lodge Executive Committee will plan at least six lodge events per year. During at least three of these events, a lodge business meeting will be conducted. The Lodge Key-3, in consultation with the Lodge Executive Committee, will be responsible for setting dates and securing locations for each event.
- The lodge events for each year will consist of, but not limited to, the following: one (1) Winter Banquet, three (3) fellowships, two (2) induction weekends, and one (1) Chief’s Retreat.
- The Lodge Executive Committee may, at its discretion, plan additional lodge events.
- The Lodge Vice Chief of Program will be responsible for the assignment of chapter campsites during lodge fellowships. The Lodge Vice Chief of Inductions will be responsible for the assignment of chapter campsites during lodge induction weekends. They should take into consideration the size and needs of a chapter, available facilities, and proximity to the primary program areas. Such assignments will be published with the weekend’s schedule.
- The Lodge Chief may call a special lodge business meeting with the prior approval of the Lodge Adviser and Staff Adviser.
- Special lodge business meetings will be conducted only when all active members have been notified in writing at least ten (10) days in advance of such a meeting.
- A quorum for lodge business meetings will consist of one-tenth (1/10) of all active lodge members under the age of 21.
- Each lodge business meeting, Lodge Executive Board meeting, and chapter meeting will be opened with the Obligation of the Order of the Arrow and closed with the Song of the Order of the Arrow.
- The Lodge Executive Board will hold at least three Lodge Executive Board meetings per year, all of which are open to all members of the lodge. The Lodge Executive Board may, by a simple majority of those present and voting, inclusive of proxies, meet in executive session to discuss matters of a sensitive nature. If such a motion to move into executive session is successful, only the youth voting members of the Lodge Executive Board, the Lodge Adviser, Associate Lodge Adviser, if appointed, Lodge Staff Adviser, and Scout Executive or their designee may remain in the meeting. If the topic of discussion pertains to a voting member of the Lodge Executive Board, they may be excluded if so declared in the motion to move into executive session, and they will be excluded both from the quorum and the vote. The Lodge Executive Board is not permitted to take any votes during executive session, except upon a motion to end the executive session.
- The Lodge Chief may call a special meeting of the Lodge Executive Board or the Lodge Executive Committee with the approval of the Lodge Adviser.
- A quorum for the Lodge Executive Board and the Lodge Executive Committee will consist of one-half (1/2) of their members present under the age of 21 inclusive of proxies.
- Members of the Lodge Executive Board will hold only one vote regardless of the number of positions held. Board members may only cast more than one vote in the case of proxies as described in Subsection VIII-M of these rules.
- If a voting member is unable to attend a Lodge Executive Board or Lodge Executive Committee meeting, they may choose to grant proxy voting rights to another active youth member by way of written statement of such intent and with the approval of the Lodge Chief and Lodge Adviser. This duly appointed proxy member counts towards the attendance for the meeting when determining a quorum, even if that person already holds a vote needed for a quorum.
- The standing and special committees will meet as often as is necessary to faithfully perform their duties.
- Chapters will schedule meetings and events as decided by the chapter officers and approved by the Lodge Key-3.
- Participation in National, Regional, and Section Order of the Arrow events will be encouraged by the Lodge Executive Board.
- Only members in good standing of the lodge, under 21 years of age will have a vote in any decision of the lodge.
IV. The Vigil Honor
- Attainment of the Vigil Honor will be in accordance with the requirements in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Handbook for Officers and Advisers.
X. Awards
- The Founders Award will be bestowed by the lodge to recognize members who have provided exemplary service to the lodge and demonstrate in their everyday life the spirit of achievement as described by founder E. Urner Goodman. The Lodge Special Awards Selection Committee will bestow this award in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Lodge Handbook.
- The Red Arrow Award will be the highest form of recognition bestowed by the lodge upon a non-member. The Special Awards Selection Committee will bestow this award in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Lodge Handbook.
- The Ralph E. Grier Chapter Award will be presented annually to the most outstanding chapter, based upon performance as measured by the criteria for the award published in the Lodge Handbook. The award will be scored by the Lodge Vice Chief as reflected by the monthly chapter reports. Chapter reports will be submitted to both the Lodge Chief and Lodge Vice Chief by the 15th of each month for the previous month (e.g. by Feb 15th, covering Jan 1-31).
- The Charles K. Youngblood Service Award will be presented annually to the most outstanding chapter in the area of service based upon performance measured by the criteria for the award published in the Lodge Handbook. The award will be scored by the Lodge Vice Chief, as reflected by the monthly chapter reports, which will be submitted to both the Lodge Chief and Lodge Vice Chief by the 15th of each month for the previous month (e.g. by Feb 15th, covering Jan 1-31).
- The criteria for the Ralph E. Grier Chapter Award and the Charles K. Youngblood Chapter Service Award can only be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Lodge Executive Board.
- The Nendawagan Elangomat Service Award will be presented to members who have completed requirements set by the lodge at a lodge business meeting and published in the Lodge Handbook in recognition of their outstanding commitment to guiding new members toward Brotherhood.
- The Elangomat Service Round patch will be presented to members who have cheerfully served as an Elangomat and have fulfilled all of their duties during the induction event as described in the Lodge Handbook.
- The Jimmy Duffy Service Award will be presented to one youth member (under 21 at the time of selection) who has provided exemplary service to the lodge and demonstrates the high ideals of Scouting and the Order in their daily life. The Lodge Special Awards Selection Committee may bestow this award upon one individual per lodge year in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Lodge Handbook.
- The Bernie Moore Service Award will be presented to one adult member (21 or over at the time of selection) who has provided exemplary service to the lodge and demonstrates the high ideals of Scouting and the Order in their everyday life. The Lodge Special Awards Selection Committee may bestow this award upon one individual per lodge year in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Lodge Handbook.
- The Muscogee Lodge Witahemui Award will be a neckerchief made available to purchase annually for members who have completed requirements set by a two-thirds majority vote of the Lodge Executive Board and published in the Lodge Handbook in recognition of their service to both the lodge and the community. The neckerchief will only be available for purchase at the Winter Banquet, unless otherwise approved by the Lodge Key-3. Each member may only complete the award once a year and is eligible to purchase one neckerchief per year following completion of the requirements. A tracking form will be created by the Lodge Vice Chief of Administration and approved by the Lodge Key-3. The Lodge Vice Chief of Administration will be responsible for administering the award.
- The Lodge Key-3 in consultation with the Vice Chief of Finance and their Adviser may approve recognition items at their discretion, subject to Subsection XII-F of these Rules.
XI. Publications
- The Lodge Newsletter will be published at least three (3) weeks prior to each Winter Banquet, Spring Fellowship, Summer Fellowship, Fall Fellowship, and any other time, not to exceed six (6) publications in a year.
- The Lodge Newsletter will be sent to all active and affiliate members of the lodge.
- The Lodge Executive Committee will create and maintain a Lodge Handbook, which will detail the duties and responsibilities of lodge and chapter officers, committees and their chairs, awards, recognitions, and other such items as required under these rules or as determined by the Lodge Executive Committee. The handbook will be published and distributed before the Section Conclave.
XII. Finances
- All Order of the Arrow funds will be handled through the council service center and go through all normal council accounting procedures.
- The lodge fiscal year will run concurrent with the council fiscal year, January to December.
- Dues of the lodge will be collected annually by the Lodge Vice Chief of Finance in the amount determined in the lodge budget.
- An annual pass will be offered to members of the lodge at a rate determined in the lodge budget. The annual pass will include the member’s annual dues, the Winter Banquet, all fellowships, and all induction weekends. If created and available, annual pass holders will be provided with a second event patch (at no additional cost) upon checking-in to that event. Annual pass holders who are unable to attend an event will have one event patch reserved for them. In addition, if offered, annual pass holders are entitled to preorder lodge event patches for those events following the purchase of the annual pass. The current Lodge Chief is entitled to a complimentary annual pass for their personal use.
- There will be an induction fee established within the lodge budget. For such fee, new members will receive materials as determined by the Lodge Key-3, in consultation with the Vice Chief of Inductions and their adviser.
- Budgeted and/or routine operating expenses will be handled by the Lodge Key-3 and the Lodge Vice Chief of Finance and their adviser. All other reimbursements up to $500 must be approved by a majority of the Lodge Executive Committee present and voting. All other reimbursements over $500 must be approved by a majority of the youth membership present and voting at a lodge business meeting.
- Each Lodge Officer has the authority to utilize budgeted funds within a designated sub-team section of their budget for such purposes as approved by the Lodge Key-3.
- The Lodge Vice Chief of Finance will prepare a proposed budget for the next lodge year and will submit it for approval at the Fall Fellowship Business Meeting. Once approved, this budget will serve as the operating budget for the next fiscal year unless modified by the Lodge Executive Committee.
- A modification to the approved lodge budget for the next fiscal year may only be made by the Lodge Executive Committee at a meeting of that body held no later than December 31 of the year prior to the proposed budget’s fiscal year.
- When the budget changes by 10% or more in either total projected revenues or total projected expenses, such changes must be submitted for approval at the next lodge business meeting.
- Changes of less than 10% of either total projected revenues or total projected expenses do not require subsequent approval at the next lodge business meeting.
- Any change to the budget will be presented in the report of financial activity by the Lodge Vice Chief of Finance at the next lodge business meeting.
- If the lodge does not approve a new budget for the next fiscal year, then it shall revert to the most recently adopted budget until such time as the lodge approves a new one.
- The Lodge Vice Chief of Finance will present reports of financial activity at all lodge business meetings and at other such times as deemed appropriate by the Lodge Key-3 after reasonable advance notice is provided to the Lodge Vice Chief of Finance.
XIII. Lodge Insignia and Memorabilia
- Lodge insignia and memorabilia will be defined as any patch, flap, chenille, jacket patch, bullion, neckerchief, or similarly manufactured item containing any of the lodge name, number, totems, logo, brand, or other characteristic mark as determined by the Lodge Key-3 in consultation with the Lodge Vice Chief of Finance and their adviser.
- The creation of any lodge insignia or memorabilia must be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote at a Lodge Executive Committee Meeting. This action authorizes the Patches, Insignia, and Memorabilia Committee to solicit and consider designs, then make a recommendation to the Lodge Executive Committee. The Lodge Executive Committee will consider this recommendation and make a final recommendation to the lodge for approval, which will require a majority vote at a lodge business meeting. The Lodge Executive Committee may eliminate designs from consideration if more than three (3) should be proposed, but must recommend at least three (3) in such cases.
- Excluded from requirement XIII-B are lodge event and conclave patches. The Patches, Insignia, and Memorabilia Committee will solicit and consider designs, then make a recommendation to the Lodge Executive Committee. The Lodge Executive Committee will consider this recommendation and select a design by a majority vote at a Lodge Executive Committee Meeting.
- If a member of the lodge should be elected to serve as a national youth Order of the Arrow officer, the Lodge Executive Committee, by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote, may authorize the Patches, Insignia, and Memorabilia Committee to solicit and consider designs to commemorate this achievement, then make a recommendation to the Lodge Executive Committee. Such items may then be approved by a majority vote at a Lodge Executive Committee Meeting.
- The creation of any chapter insignia or memorabilia must first be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote at a chapter meeting with at least one-tenth (1/10) or 6 youth chapter members present and voting, whichever is greater. This action authorizes the Patches, Insignia, and Memorabilia Committee to solicit and consider designs from members of the chapter, then make a recommendation to the chapter for approval, which will require a majority vote at a chapter business meeting with at least one-tenth (1/10) or 6 youth chapter members present and voting, whichever is greater. Before any chapter insignia or memorabilia may be produced, a sufficient quantity of pre-orders must first be secured as determined by the Lodge Key-3.
- The Patches, Insignia, and Memorabilia Committee will be responsible for soliciting, reviewing, and enforcing standards for all lodge and chapter insignia and memorabilia designs. It will work with designers and other stakeholders to develop a recommendation to the relevant decision making body as prescribed in this Section. The final decision making body may only accept or reject designs; it may not modify them. In instances pursuant to Subsection XIII-B where the Lodge Executive Committee reviews the recommendations of the Patches, Insignia, and Memorabilia Committee, the Lodge Executive Committee is permitted to modify designs before a recommendation is made to the appropriate decision making body.
- Should all designs be rejected at any point in the processes set forth in this Section, the matter is referred back to the Patches, Insignia, and Memorabilia Committee for additional consideration. Such consideration may include the solicitation of new designs, if authorized by a majority of the LEC. Any new designs will be referred to the Patches, Insignia, and Memorabilia Committee for its consideration and recommendations.
- Following the approval of the relevant decision making body to create an item of insignia or memorabilia, the Lodge Key-3 will be responsible for any final design decisions but in keeping with the integrity of the approved design.
- Five (5) items of every lodge and chapter insignia or memorabilia will be designated for the Lodge Auction Box, excluding recognitions and awards. Two (2) items of every lodge or chapter insignia or memorabilia will be designated for the Lodge Historical Display, including recognitions and awards.
- The Lodge Key-3 in consultation with the Lodge Vice Chief of Finance and their adviser may approve the creation of apparel and other merchandise not subject to Subsection XIII-A through C of these Rules. Such items include t-shirts, sweatshirts, polos, jackets, hats, belts, keychains, cups, mugs, and others as determined by the Lodge Key-3 in consultation with the Lodge Vice Chief of Finance and their adviser.
- No individual or group may create or cause to create any lodge or chapter memorabilia, apparel, or merchandise bearing the lodge or chapter name, number, totem, logo, branding, or their likeness without first being approved by the Lodge Key-3 in consultation with the Lodge Vice Chief of Finance and their adviser. Lodge members may create or cause to create apparel or non-memorabilia items for personal use only.
XIV. Elections Procedure
- The sequence in which lodge elections will take place is determined by the order listed in Subsection IV-A of these rules. Chapter elections will be conducted as follows: Chapter Chief, Chapter Vice Chief(s), and Chapter Secretary. If the election of the Vice Chief of Conclave occurs at the Fall Fellowship, it will be conducted following the Lodge Vice Chief election.
- Nominations for lodge office will be accepted during designated open nomination periods. These designated periods include the Friday night campfire, Saturday morning assembly, Saturday midday assembly, lodge business meeting, and any other period as prescribed by the Lodge Executive Committee.
- Nominations for chapter office will be accepted at the chapter meeting in which an election is being held.
- Nominations will only be accepted from active youth members of the lodge and will not require a second. Nominees may either accept or decline their nomination.
- At the beginning of each lodge officer election, the presiding officer will ask for any final nominations. They will then confer with the Lodge Adviser to determine the qualification status of each nominee as described in Subsections IV-F and G of these rules and announce such before speeches are given.
- A nominee must receive a majority of the votes cast on a given ballot to be elected. Where a majority is not achieved, the nominee receiving the least number of votes will be dropped and another ballot will be taken. This procedure will continue until one nominee achieves a majority and is declared elected, or until two ballots in succession result in tie votes and the balloting is declared deadlocked.
- When balloting is declared deadlocked, the youth conducting the election will announce to the voting delegates that one more ballot will be taken to break the tie and, if another tie results, they shall cast the deciding vote for the nominee of their choice to achieve a majority and declare them elected.
- The Lodge Chief will preside over the election except when they seek to run for any Lodge Office. If this should be the case, the Lodge Chief, with the approval of the Lodge Adviser, will appoint another youth member in good standing to conduct the election.
- Votes will be taken by secret ballot and given to adult advisers selected by the Lodge Adviser. The votes will then be tallied to determine a result and announced by the youth conducting the election.
XV. Parliamentary Procedure
- The latest revised edition of Robert’s Rules of Order will be the final authority in all cases of parliamentary procedure so long as they are not contrary to the Order of the Arrow Handbook or these rules.
- The Lodge Chief may, at their discretion, appoint a Parliamentarian to help them interpret procedural questions.
XVI. Amendments
- These Lodge Rules will be subject to amendment at any regular or special lodge business meeting, provided that written notice of such proposed amendment has been submitted to the Lodge Executive Board.
- The proposed amendment will have attached to it a list of reasons for the proposal and the author’s name.
- The Lodge Key-3 will review the proposed change with the Scout Executive or their designee. If approved, the proposed amendment will then be forwarded to the Lodge Executive Board.
- The Lodge Chief, or their designee, will distribute the proposed amendment to the Lodge Executive Board for their consideration and announce the date on which such proposal will be considered. No less than 14 days later, the Lodge Executive Board will meet to review the proposed amendment and may either accept, reject, or modify the proposal. Provided that a reasonable amount of time (as determined by the Lodge Key-3) remains before the event in which the amendment will be considered, the Lodge Executive Board will distribute approved proposed amendments to the lodge along with a list of reasons in an official lodge communication.
- The proposed amendment will be included in the agenda for the next lodge business meeting following distribution to the lodge.
- At the lodge business meeting at which any rule amendment is considered, a two-thirds (⅔) majority of those present and voting is required for adoption. Proposed amendments may only be approved, rejected, or referred back to the Lodge Executive Board for further consideration. Proposed amendments to the lodge rules cannot be modified at a lodge business meeting; however, the proposed amendment may be subdivided by section, should the amendment include more than one section.
- Amendments will become part of the Lodge Rules, completely replacing the former wording, if any. If any provision within these rules should have a sunset period, that provision will be immediately removed from the published rules at the conclusion of the sunset period.