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Muscogee Lodge #116

2024 Lodge of the Year

2024 Chief’s Retreat

After officer elections, in the Fall of each year, the Lodge Chief assembles the elected officers, appointed chairpersons, all appointed advisers, and interested future lodge leaders for a Lodge Leadership Development Conference (LLDC). Nationally trained facilitators from around the Southeast lead Muscogee’s officers in team-building activities, goal setting, and in planning the year’s lodge events – it’s a great chance for the lodge leadership to have fun for the weekend!

Where to go!

The event location rotates each year between the dining hall at Camp Coker and the dining hall at Camp Barstow. For 2024, the event will be held at Camp Barstow. Enter your starting address HERE to create a map to 117 Camp Barstow Drive, Batesburg, SC 29006.

When to come!

The schedule begins on Friday night, with check-in starting at 6PM in the dining hall. Be sure to bring a bagged supper or eat before arriving; a cracker barrel is planned for late Friday evening. Depending on the location, participants will either sleep in the Birdhouses (Staff City at Camp Coker) or in adirondacks (at Camp Barstow) – a sign-up sheet will circulate prior to the event so that you can choose your bunkmate(s) – or, you can bring your own hammock or tent. Fall weather in South Carolina can be unpredictable, so bring plenty of warm clothes, along with your own sleeping bag, pillow, and other necessary items. The restrooms and showers will be open and available as they would at any OA event (separate for girls, boys, women, and men).

How to register!

You must be a registered with BSA and dues paid to attend, but it is easy to pay your lodge dues today. When you make your payment, you can immediately register for the Muscogee event. The event is free for all interested lodge members. Help us properly plan and buy enough food by registering no later than Monday, December 2nd. Thanks for your help in this matter.

A completed BSA health Form will be required (doctor’s signature not required). If needed, please contact the lodge medical team at with any specific questions or concerns.

What to do!

Map of Barstow

Saturday begins with an early breakfast, followed by a morning of carefully planned activities, instruction, and team break-out sessions. We’ll break for lunch, then resume our schedule into the early afternoon. There will be a short annual planning meeting after dinner, along with any scheduled activities we did not complete during the day. A hearty cracker barrel, followed by your choice of a movie or free time, will end the long day of activities.

When it wraps-up!

After breakfast and camp clean-up on Sunday, there will be a required Lodge Executive Committee (LEC) meeting, then we’ll head for home.

Event Details


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