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Muscogee Lodge #116

2024 Lodge of the Year

On Friday, May 19th, Arrowmen from Muscogee #116 were transported to Camp Barstow, which turned into a veritable Land of Oz for the 2023 Spring Fellowship weekend. In the early evening, Brothers slowly converged on the council ring for the opening campfire, first in one’s and two’s, then en masse, singing and chanting to show their chapter spirit. Vikings, firemen, disco balls, and bright lights contributed to the wonder; skits, a trivia gameshow, and two Vice Chiefs of Unicycling added amusement. To say it was the greatest opening show in years would be an understatement. The Program Team wielded OA Magic in delivering promised fun, before sending the lodge on its way, down the camp’s main road.

With heads abuzz, slowly making their way past the activity field, the Arrowmen eventually arrived at the dining hall, where none were denied entry. The sounds of chapter spirit, the sights of Brothers trading patches, and the smells of hot food were in the air. Indeed, in what may be a new Friday night tradition, the Muscogee Cook Team used their ample power and wizardry to serve piping hot mozzarella sticks with marinara dipping sauce, barbeque-drenched meatballs, an assortment of cheeses, and fresh fruit.

“Seconds,” cried the Wizards, as eager Arrowmen quickly lined-up, gently loosening their belts a notch. After everyone filed through, “how about thirds,” the Wizards inquired, with friendly, daring smiles. Only moments later, with growing amazement, the Wizards incredulously asked, “fourths?!” As the remaining Arrowmen sat down over a final plate of vittles, their eyes slowly glazed-over with thoughts of waiting adirondack bunks and the sounds of Barstow wildlife.

Saturday morning came too soon, though the overnight rain shower cooled the morning air and helped carry the aroma of fresh coffee across those assembled on the parade field. After raising the flag and asking a blessing, the Arrowmen filed-in to enjoy fluffy eggs, fresh biscuits, sausage, grits, and fresh berries. With bellies once again full, the Arrowmen gathered by chapter as they embarked upon the Quest for the Golden Arrow, a series of waystops where chapters competed in field day style events.

  • Stop 1: Paper Tower – 1 person builds a tower of paper on a floating table, held-up by 2 people; highest tower wins.
  • Stop 2: Four-legged race – a rendition of the classic three-legged race but with one more leg added.
  • Stop 3: Tarp & corn carry – team of four wins by carrying the greatest amount of corn on a tarp over a defined distance.
  • Stop 4: Pair tent pitch – two teams of two pitch a tent while tied together; fastest team wins.
  • Stop 5: Square knot relay – two Brothers trade-off tying knots; the fastest pair wins.


After completing the Quest’s feats of strength and fortitude, Arrowmen split-up to test their wits in carefully prepared Knowledge and Training sessions.

  • Brotherhood readiness – Madelyn Ridley, VC of Inductions, helped prepare candidates to complete the Brotherhood Challenge later in the afternoon
  • Enhanced Elangomat Program – Reagan Millman, Ordeal Chairman, instructed Brothers who may be interested in serving as Elangomats during an upcoming Ordeal
  • Patch design – Gio Sambenedetto and Tiwaii Funchess instructed Arrowmen in the finer points of lodge patch design
  • National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) – Joshua Ridley and Christian Castellanos shared leadership skills and experience that Arrowmen can use in their home units


With a morning of Quest events and training sessions completed, Arrowmen broke for a welcome lunch of BBQ pork sandwiches. As Arrowmen devoured the slow-cooked BBQ, it was easy to taste the care and attention paid by the Cook Team Wizards, who slept with one eye open, tending their cook fires overnight and into Saturday morning.

Refreshed by the food and revived by a soda from the lodge store, Arrowmen returned to the trail, embarking upon an afternoon of cheerful service to better prepare Camp Barstow for the Summer season. With the camp improved, the Arrowmen returned to the dining hall for a lodge business meeting, where they reviewed and approved the first operating budget created in many years. A lively discussion ensued regarding a possible National Jamboree lodge flap, but the lodge decided in the end to forego the flap’s creation.

In the late afternoon, after retreating the colors and asking a final blessing, the lodge enjoyed a baked chicken dinner, replete with roasted potatoes, green beans, dinner roll, and a brownie. Didn’t know they had brownies in the Land of Oz? Sure do. The Brothers of Muscogee #116 would need their rejuvenating powers for the final leg of the night’s journey. For soon they departed to welcome 24 new Brotherhood Honor members into the lodge, the largest group to seal their membership in recent memory. It seemed only fitting that Muscogee #116 would welcome a record number of Brotherhood Honor members, given the Fellowship’s “Brotherhood” theme.

On Sunday morning, the accolades continued after the chapel service, with Chief Wizard, Grace Franklin, tentatively stepping out from behind the curtain to bestow various honors on the lodge’s worthy Arrowmen.


Awards and accolades are appreciated, but as it would turn out, the Arrowmen of Muscogee #116 didn’t need those outward assurances of the deep bonds of Brotherhood shared by all. Indeed, as discovered at Camp Barstow throughout the Spring weekend, they’re a pale substitute for the time spent together in fellowship, working toward a shared purpose. For as Allowat Sakima admonishes us, for service freely given, an Arrowman requires neither praise nor credit.